We Communicate.
We’re dedicated to ensuring all associates have the information they need to do their jobs well. Our monthly communication calls, (sometimes daily) important topic update emails, annual around-the-bank perspective publications, and quarterly CEO messages are just a few of the programs we run to bring our team together to share successes and initiatives across the entire organization.
Recognize & Appreciate.
A paycheck is only one way to recognize and reward talent. We go beyond that with programs to empower our teams to recognize each other and rewards to follow. Monthly “Attitude of Gratitude” treats and events, quarterly recognition of our “Mission Movers”, and an annual “People’s First Awards” ceremony are just a few examples to note. Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn to see more on our culture of recognition.

Invest in People.
It is kind of our thing to help people succeed. Inside the bank we are proud to provide interactive leadership programs, skill-set certifications, and enrichment training on everything from financial planning to how to read each other's personalities. We keep it going outside the bank too! Each year we support our associates in nominations and sponsorship to participate in local, state and national leadership programs, schools, and trainings.
Health and Wellness are Important.
We take care of our associates. Our competitive benefits package includes medical, dental, and vision coverage available for individuals and families. We also offer a higher than average 401K match, life insurance, short and long-term disability policies, gym membership reimbursements. Additionally, we are proud to offer access to support and assistance with all types of life events through a comprehensive Employee Assistance Program available to associates and their families.

Work-Life Balance.
Putting People First means ensuring associates enjoy quality time outside the office. Citizens Bank offers generous time off policies to cover sick leave, vacation, and personal time. To get the most out of your time, associates can earn extra paid time off for community service and involvement!