Why did you choose to join the Banking Class? What is your favorite thing about it? I see this as an opportunity to learn new things and how this may help me in my future.
How is financial literacy important in your life? Everyone needs these skills in adulthood.
What does Beyond a Banker mean to you? Learning new skills for the future.
What are you passionate about outside of school? I am very involved in my FFA chapter and very passionate about agriculture.
Where might we see you on the weekends? I work as a cashier at Tripp Supply almost every weekend.
What is your dream job? Anything in the agriculture industry.
What show(s) are you currently binge-watching? Gilmore Girls
When/Where are you happiest? Anytime I am outside or with my family.
Where is your favorite (local) place to eat? Any Mexican restaurant
What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? If I have a cute outfit to wear or if I have someone I am looking forward to seeing.
What special/interesting skill do you have that many might not know about? I have public speaking skills. I compete in prepared public speaking in FFA and have grown to love it.
If you had a reality TV show of your life, what would it be called? Gilmore Girls
What is something you wish you would have known earlier in your high school career? To say yes to every opportunity that comes your way.